Hello Dreamers!
My name is Stephanie, I am a Clairvoyant/Clairsentient Energy Healer. Most people who know me would describe me as bubbly, empathetic, and silly. I'm very easy going ( Sun in Gemini), and wear my heart on my sleeve ( Moon in Aries ). My life purpose is to help heal others and bring clarity to those who need it. I have a deep passion for teaching others how to raise their vibrations and gain a deeper understanding of the universe on a spiritual level.
Even if you are only "slightly curious" about what spirituality is; the conversation alone can be riveting! I look forward to helping you and forming a deeper connection with you!
Thank you for choosing me as your spiritual guidance. Love and light ❤
Some people are born with the gift of spiritual communication and understanding. Some people are taught how to awaken it, and others gain the ability after a traumatic event. Unfortunately for me, the last one is how I received this beautiful gift. It wasn't until after my third born son experienced a traumatic brain injury, that I awakened. It was fast, it was intense, and it was the most lucid thing I've ever felt. Ever since then, I've only grown and developed my gifts to help others. Big or small, it brings me so much joy to see others gain clarity and knowledge especially when it helps them grow spiritually.
My Story
❤ I am a Momma of Four boys!
❤ I am an artist and try all kinds.
❤ I enjoy writing blogs/lyrics/poems
❤ I have hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and ADHD.
❤ I've had the same best friend since the 5th grade. She's a soul mate!
❤ I enjoy silly things like fake mustaches and tiny replicas.
❤ One of my first spirit guides was Sekhmet.
❤ I am directly guided by the divine mother herself!!!
(ask if you're curious)
❤ Coffee is life!