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Divination Tools

Writer's picture: StephanieStephanie

I just received my very first Crystal Ball yesterday, and I couldn't be more excited to dive right in! However, I'm also letting it "get used to" the house and its surroundings. That sounds funny, I know. My sister asked, "How does it work?". That got me thinking, that I should talk about the types of divination tools I use, how it works and what other types are out there.

I'll start with the ones that I frequently use and how it works.

Tarot Cards/ Oracle Cards/ Message Cards

One of my favorite divination tools and most frequently used are tarot cards! I like these because they offer a lot of detail and insight to any kind of situation. The cards can be interpreted in so many ways depending on the reader, and/or situation. One of the coolest things about tarot cards is that you can read them even if you aren't an intuitive. However, it may not offer you the amount of detail you are looking for without the help of spirit/guides, or strong intuition.

One of the biggest misconceptions about tarot cards is that they are "dark energy". This is completely untrue! Of course, any tool can be a dark tool if you decide to make it so. I however, am a light worker. I work only with the light and with love in my heart. The energies I call to me for assistance are higher vibrational beings full of love and protection. They have only my best interests at heart.

So how do I read tarot? There are a couple of different ways to read tarot. The first being, one that anyone can do by simply drawing cards after placing your intention (asking a question, or asking for general guidance), and then interpreting the cards by their given meaning in the booklet that comes with the cards or the general meaning that is specifically for the card. This method won't be as complex or informative as it would be with the second method.

The second method, is used by intuitives, psychics, the "clairs", (clairvoyant, clairaudient, claircognitive, clairsentient etc.) This is usually started by saying a prayer for protection and calling our guides/angels/spirits to us for assistance and extra perception into the reading. When asking for assistance from other dimensional beings, it is important to clear your energies (sage, palo-santo, lavender etc.) before beginning and being in a clear and positive state of mind. We then state that we are only working with certain energies to set clear boundaries of who can communicate and assist at this time.

We ask for protection, guidance, and clarity. This sets the reading up for successful intuition and card choices from spirit. Like a direct line of communication from them to us. Our intuition or abilities allow us to interpret the card as spirit meant it in the message. Some readers will hear clarifying statements from spirit directly. Some will feel emotions, some will see images in their minds eye, and some experiences all of these and more. All of which, are very helpful for a more accurate reading.

Oracle cards and message cards are read in exactly the same way and can also be used without being an "intuitive" or Clair.


As with the tarot cards, when you begin pendulum use, you want to make sure you have protected yourself first, and clear all energies that don't belong. This is another tool that can be quite helpful for guidance. I end up with clearer answers when I specifically state one entity to work with such as one of my guides. Otherwise the answers can be "muddy" or not so clear.

Now if you've never heard of pendulum use before, it is a heavy item at the end of a chain or string (usually at a point) that will swing in specific directions to answer questions that are asked. I always feel a heavy presence of spirit around me when I use my pendulum because that is who I am working with to use this tool. For yes or no questions, you can simply hover over your hand or dangle it steadily over a table. You begin by asking your guide or spirit of choice to show you their yes-no-maybe signs (direction of the pendulum swing). Once you have used a few tester questions to confirm the swing meanings you can then ask your yes or no question with confidence; making sure it is clear and straight forward, as not to confuse spirit.

Typically, spirit will not give a clear answer if it has to do with free will from a third party or yourself. However they will give answers if it is likely or inevitable. If you want a more in depth reading, you can use another tool with your pendulum called a pendulum board. This can have many different pieces of information on it for spirit to point to such as the alphabet for spelling, numbers, percentages, chakras, calendars etc. The best pendulum board choice will be based off of what you are asking.

Is pendulum like a Ouija board then? Yes and no. In the sense that they are both used as communication tools with spirit, they are alike. However, since Ouija board is the more known of the two and associated with bad entities, it is easier to become frightened or in a bad place mentally when using a Ouija board. In fact, it would also be considered a safe tool to use if used properly by the participants. However, because of the negative energies typically associated with it, I don't ever recommend others to use one. State of mind has a lot to do with safely and effectively channeling spirits. That is the other major difference. Pendulum is typically used with one specific spirit, where as Ouija is often used to just contact spirits in general. They can both however, be used interchangeably. I am just far more confident and comfortable with my pendulums.

It is important to always thank your guide for assisting you with your divination no matter the tool, but especially when they are putting in much physical work like with the pendulum.

Wax Reading/ Tea Leaves/ Coffee Grounds

These are all examples of intuitive readings as well. Like Tarot, the images that come through on these are interpreted based on intuition and clarifying images. My favorite of these is the wax reading. I find it very calming to watch the wax melt and let the mood enter me instead of trying to place myself in the reading. Often, there will be vague messages that come up, but this is where intuition or help from a guide or spirit come in. For me, I am clairsentient/claircognizant/clairvoyant so I will get a very deep understanding or feeling when I see certain images within the wax.

Since I do wax readings I'll tell you how I do them for my clients. It starts off like any other reading with cleansing the energies, contacting your guides and asking for protection and clarity. Then you either ask a specific question or ask for a general reading and I let the images tell me about the situation. As an added feature, you can set an intention before the reading by stating or asking for something attainable. as the candle burns all the way down, the intention will be sent into the universe and then back to you.

Crystal Ball/ Gazing Crystal

Like the other tools, it is a good idea to bring light and love into your reading before you start. Crystal Balls can be plain, or colored, full of impurities or clear, made of crystal, or anything round and reflective. Most people have seen the image of a clear crystal when they think of them, but in truth you can really use any kind. Why is this?

Mostly because when you are gazing into the ball, you aren't using the ball as the tool, you are using the ball as the focus. Your third eye is what does the work with this divination tool. So, if you have not developed your third eye, this tool might not be something that works for you. For psychics, clairs, or intuitives, whose third eye is open or at least partially open, they will be able to pick up information about past, present or future as they focus and channel messages.

The size, color, and sometimes even shape doesn't matter, however the ability to feel connected to this piece is important because it helps the viewer tune in to the energies a lot easier when the object feels right. A lot of gifted individuals prefer the classic clear crystal because it is memorizing and not distracting. When it is made of pure clear quartz crystal the added properties of that stone help with the reading. Quartz is known for its amplifying abilities.

Automatic Writing

This tool is different because you are calling upon spirit to use you as a writing tool. When connecting with spirit, you can ask them to write messages on paper with you holding the pencil/pen/marker. No, you are not being possessed. You are simply connecting and either physically moved, or being told what to write. I haven't quite mastered this practice yet because when I've tried, the writing is quite illegible. However with much practice, you can receive beautiful messages from spirit or passed loved ones.


Another service I offer is dream interpretation. This is best done by writing down your dream the moment you wake up, and get as many details as possible. Better yet, listing the most memorable or important parts of the dream in order of dominant images. I have come to find that a lot of people I know, don't tend to remember their dreams, and if they do, they don't remember much of them.

I, on the other hand, cannot stop dreaming and remember them beginning to end most nights. Not only do I have very vivid dreams, but I also have premonitions while I dream. Which is one of my favorite ways to receive information from spirit.

For example, I have been visited by my best friends Mother who had passed away. She told me to give her my love and to let her know to check on her husband. I won't go into detail, but it was an important message at the time which I gladly shared with my best friend. Another time I had a dream about an earthquake and hotel setting in Alaska where my sister was staying. Within three days, my dream became reality. I told my sister my dream and she confirmed the descriptions I gave.

Another of my favorites was the premonition of my best friends pregnancy. I randomly had a dream about her taking a pregnancy test and it being VERY positive. Two weeks after my dream, she took a test because something felt off and sure enough, it was positive!

So dreams can be a source of divination if you are gifted or even if you just remember what messages you were receiving to look them up in a dream dictionary, which often times can be super helpful and spot on.

There are many more tools of divination, but this post has gone on so long, I thought I would just share the most known, and some of my favorites. I hope this was insightful and interesting for you! If you want more content like this, please subscribe and come back every Wednesday for new posts!

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