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Energy Shift

Writer's picture: StephanieStephanie

Have you ever found yourself feeling completely drained, feeling off, or different? Have you ever felt like you’ve suddenly gained too much energy? Like a burst of intensity, seemingly out of nowhere? How about feeling like a completely different person all together? If you’ve experienced any of these, ( as I’m sure you have... ) then you have experienced energy shift.

Considering that everything is made up of matter and that matter creates energy, in which remains in a permanent quantity. Therefore energy is always shifting and transferring but never dissipating or multiplying.

I decided to write about energy transfer as mine has gone out the window the last few weeks! I apologize for the lack of writing, and videos. There are a couple of different ways that your energy can get depleted. All of which fall into four categories.





When you experience these shifts, they tend to be so subtle, that, at first we don’t notice them. Or if we do notice them, we don’t usually think about how or why it happened. These are changes that happen every single day, all over the world, all over the universe. The core energy stays the same but the mallable energy is prone to shifting or replacement. It can happen in an instant or be a slow and steady occurrence.

Let’s go over the ways our energy can shift:

Mental Energy Shift

Life has a funny way of making us completely....human. The very manner of our thoughts is a very human thing; and what most of us don’t realize, when we are deep in thought about how our day went or what tomorrow will be like...we are shifting our energy with the thoughts that penetrate our minds. Including how we view others, how our environment influences us, conscious choices, unconscious choices, critical thinking, spontaneous events, depression, anxiety, mania, etc. it’s all prone to energy shift because it is a change from neutral.

Emotional Energy Shift

Feelings tend to, well...feel more like a shift because it is our most basic human nature. We are able to recognize when we are sad, happy, mad, excited etc. Therefore we are most often aware of the shift that takes place through emotion. When someone surprises you with a weekend getaway to your favorite place, you instantly feel lighter and elevated right? It’s because some of that other heavy energy that collects around you gets lifted and allows more room for positive energies to enter your aura. Those energies didn’t disappear, they were just rearranged to match what you are feeling. The law of attraction one might say. Ever notice when you are having a bad day, it seems that everything just keeps piling on? It‘s because you are attracting more heavy vibrations (negative energies) and literally manifesting more of the same energies.

Physical Energy Shift

Sometimes the shift can be felt physically. Especially for empaths who tend to envelop themselves in everything in their space. However it doesn’t just pertain to empathy. Most people also experience shifts physically when they are overwhelmed or on a high point. It can show up as exhaustion, illness, pain. Or even the opposite as feeling strong, vibrant and rested.

Spiritual Energy Shift

One of the biggest spiritual energy shifts that someone can experience is the process of awakening. It is such a large download of information at one time that you might actually become confused or dazed while you are in 5d vibrations. When you do the work to lift and raise your vibrations spiritually, the shift is processed by deep understanding and is sometimes physically and emotionally felt as well. As with all energy, you can experience the negative here too. If you are completely closed off spiritually it will manifest in your life in a lot of different ways. Including all the ways I’ve already mentioned. You will have difficulties in understanding others, or feeling closed off verbally, creatively etc and feel like you are disconnected from life. you can also experience negative entities coming to you if you are having troubles coming out of your spiritual funk, because that is the energy they thrive on and you are unknowingly attracting them.

Both positive and negative vibrations Have a role in our lives as with “ying and yang”. You have to have good with the bad but it isn’t always so cut and dry. Energy is a spectrum and an energy shift doesnt have to be ”bad” or ”good”. For instance, when you start to plan something, the concentration that is involved focuses energy to your future via your intention. It can be drawn from your own emotional or physical energy. Or it can be affected by the demands or excitement of others. In this scenario, it’s not a good or a bad thing but there is definitely a noticeable shift as you focus yourself in one specific area of your life.

These are just some basic examples of shifts so that you can expand your conciousness about them and how they work. I’ll be writing about how to balance your energies in the next blog! I hope yoi found this edicational and interesting! Love and Light.

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