Since the beginning of time, spirit has existed. How? And what does that mean about "the creator"? I can tell you, it is a very long and complicated thing to understand unless you have already begun your awakening.
For those of you who haven't, but have become..."spiritually curious", I can tell you that this way of thinking is the very first step to awakening.
So what is spirituality?
The best way to describe it, in my own words would be: the open minded view of something bigger than ourselves. Does this mean you have to be religious? Absolutely not, but you can be. Does this mean you have to believe in "a higher power" Aka God? NO, but you absolutely can. In fact that's actually a tricky question. The idea of "God" is really a blanket statement. In fact, you can determine this as you wish. I personally call it "the universe", while others call it "the all" or "spirit" or the widely used "God".
There are many different names for it, but the best way I can describe it without a label would be; the entirety of everything everywhere.
After my awakening, I suddenly understood everything. I suddenly knew why I was here on this earth, and what I need to do next. I was able to tap into more soul information and find out who I am as an energy, instead of who I am as a vessel.
Now, because you are here at this moment reading this, that leads me to believe that you are spiritually curious and therefore on your way to your own awakening. If you find yourself asking a higher power for help from time to time, there is spirituality in you. If you find yourself knowing that everything happens for a reason, there is spirituality in you. If you find yourself wondering what happens after we die, then you are in the right place; and my friend, if you are here reading are on your way to growing and learning who you truly are.
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