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The Dimensional Beings

Writer's picture: StephanieStephanie

Updated: Sep 15, 2020

Ghosts, Angels, Demons? Yeah, they're real, but it's not as cut and dry as they are portrayed by films and books. I'm going to be talking about this from a Clairvoyant perspective, so hopefully it makes sense! There are so many types of entities or other dimensional beings that we don't know enough about, but the ones we do know well, are widely known throughout the world. Think of it as tiers of energy. I'll be talking about the top, middle and bottom tiers.

At the very top tier we have the most positive energies, pure, loving, and protecting. This is where you will find Angels, Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, and your higher self. In the middle, we have spirits, known as ghosts by most civilians and paranormal hunters; there are different types of these spirits that I will get into shortly. These are more of a neutral energy but can vary in either direction. At the very bottom, we have the lowest vibrational energies. These are the feeders, the scavengers, and the demons.

I would love to get into the extreme physics of the dimensions and natural geometry of it all, but instead I'll offer a short explanation and a photo of the "Sacred Geometry". As of right now, common humans only know four dimensions; while scientists are aware of ten different dimensions!!! If you're curious about this, you can look up string theory. The first dimension presents as a line, or collection of lines. The second presents as height and width but no depth. Third, height width and depth. Fourth is a more mathematical concept that goes into further description of a 3D object. Now that you understand that each dimension holds more layers the higher it goes, you can look at these photos of "Sacred Geometry" to help grasp a little more of an idea about multidimensional planes.

Still confused? That's okay. If you don't understand the dimensional part, it's not as important as understanding what kinds of entities come from them. So let's start at the bottom and work our way up to end on a positive note shall we?

Lower Dimensional Beings

As I stated above, these are the lowest of the low, bottom feeders, energy suckers, even pure evil at times. An unpopular opinion that I have about these energies is that they aren't all evil. In fact, a lot of them are just doing the only thing they know to survive. As an example...shadow people tend to make humans feel scared, worried, drained, or nervous. This is the energy that they use to keep their vibration going. It's like food for them. It is a strong reaction, and strong energy that emanates from a person when they are in this state of mind, and therefore the easiest to achieve to receive "food" for themselves.

The same goes for succubus/incubus. They feed off of sexual energy because it is the easiest for them to achieve. So unlike most clairvoyant or spiritually aware people, I just view these types of entities as bottom feeders, who don't know better, or any other way. It also helps to think of them like that because it tends to calm the fear about them and therefore makes them less likely to pay you a visit.

Now, on the other hand...we have demons. Pure intentional evil and deception. These are the most feared and for good reason. They are very tricky as most of the time they will present themselves as a passed loved one, or an innocent child etc. Once they have your trust, they slowly start to gain power over you and your surroundings and can cause extreme problems, such as sickness, changes in personality and behaviors, harm to others, and even death. You can read about many exorcisms that have taken place all over the world, and some that have been closely documented. However, this particular event tends to be kept hush hush because it is thought to provoke the demons to return when you pay it attention.

I actually feel sick as I type this, because I'm trying not to let my mind go there, but unfortunately I have a great imagination. So if you're curious, proceed your research with caution and confidence so that you don't attract energies! Demons are basically the epitome of evil and are in for their own gain. They are no longer allowed as a higher vibrational, so now they have nothing left but to become as powerful as they can as a lower vibrational.

So now we will move onto the neutral energies, good riddance lower energies!

Neutral Beings

These are the entities known as ghosts, or the polite name for them is spirits. I say polite, because these are typically spirits of those who once roamed the earth in the flesh. They can be human, they can be animal, they can be insect. Odd, I know. These are the entities that we hear the most about living people having an encounter with. This is because they are still on this plane/dimension which makes it easier for us to perceive them. I want to be clear that an earth spirit is not the same as a passed on spirit. Let me explain...

When we die, our spirit leaves our body and is either guided to "the other side" (another dimension, to evaluate our soul journey) or the spirit becomes stuck or confused on this plane. This typically happens in a sudden and traumatizing death, but it can happen in a normal peaceful death as well, like if they have more they wanted to do before they leave. The problem with that is when we are no longer attached to our human brain, the core memories aren't always transferred with the spirit, so in that sense they become stuck and wandering because they forgot why they stayed in the first place.

Spirits can appear as clearly as a live person, as a mist, as a voice, as a touch. It is important to understand the difference between these beings and the lower vibrational beings because often times, lower vibrational energies can be mistaken as the neutral beings. Some key differences in determining the two:

Neutrals can have personality traits like they did when they were alive. They can be aggressive but are never harmful. You will most likely feel nervous, but not necessarily scared. A lot of the time, they will have a message for you or offer comfort and love. Other times they may be asking for help to move on. The persistent ones can move objects but try to do so in a way that is not terrifying. They can be firm, or grumpy, or even mean but human rules will still apply to them.

Lower vibrations tend to intimidate, by making loud sounds, moving things violently, causing pain or lethargy, or even leaving marks on your body. You will most likely feel terrified and unsafe. The rules don't apply to them, and they are just there to feed off of your fear.

I get a lot of questions about poltergeists. This is a completely different thing because it is not an entity but more of a rogue energy. It is common in households with young girls going through puberty as the energies are shifting quickly as they are trying to figure out their bodies. It can happen with young men as well or people of all ages really, but the most common is with children going through puberty.

Okay. We've learned about the bottom, and the middle tiers. Now for my favorite part!!!

The Higher Dimensional Beings

These are the most positive and encouraging beings. They are only there to lend support, love, encouragement, and guidance. So let's start with the most commonly known. Angels. Sometimes called "light beings" or other things in other cultures. There are a few different types of angels and at any given point in our lives we all have at least one by our side or at our call when we need them. An angel is a being who has moved on to a higher vibrational state by completing their soul paths. Which means that they have lived the lives they needed to live to learn their highest good and purpose and are now in the dimension of "heaven" to the layman. However I don't necessarily like to call it that myself. I feel it is too labeled. It's basically just the time and space of pure bliss, love and understanding. Angels have been rewarded the high honor of protect and serve.

Arch Angels are the highest form of angels. Think of them as the overseers' These are the chosen angels to lead and are masters of their duties. The most heard about arch angels are Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Urial. There are more, but these are the most known. They each have their own specialty but are always willing to help for anything. They are also portrayed differently in different cultures as well as being called by different names or taking on different forms. When you find yourself in a predicament, you can call on these arch angels (however you relate to them culturally) to help guide and protect you. They will always answer the call, but you have to ask.

Interestingly enough, these are multidimensional beings so they can be in more than one place at a time! Neat!

Another higher being that is closely related to Arch Angels is the Ascended Masters. These beings were once human but were awarded high ascension because of their life work and teachings. They were the enlightened, and the ones who knew pure love and sacrifice. Examples include Jesus Christ, Sanat Kumara, Guatama Buddha, Confucious, and Mary mother of Jesus. Of course these are all earth examples because as humans we have only known earth bodies. There are other intergalactically ascended masters and angels. I'm just giving the examples of names we would find familiar.

One of my favorite higher beings is Spirit Guides! Their names are exactly as indicated. Each Spirit Guide is chosen specifically for your spirit, to guide, protect and love you fiercely. They can be Angels, Gods/goddess' (called as such in different cultures but in reality are more like angels) Spirit Animals, or even ancestors. When you are born, you have a team of Spirit Guides assembled for your growth and adaptation. They are there to teach you lessons, support you, and offer their unconditional love. Each spirit has a main guide that stays with you for life. The others are assigned to you but don't necessarily stick around the whole time. They can come and go out of your life or they can be temporary guides for a specific part of your life.

It is a great idea to try to connect with your guides at some point in your life. You can ask them for a sign which will show itself in synchronicities, feathers, animals, or other signs. Be patient after you ask for a sign, as they will give you one at the right place and time. They always have a plan and a reason. You can meditate to become closer to your guides and get to know them more intimately. Fun fact: I have a photo of one of my guides! I am lucky to have the Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet as one of my guides. I hardly work with her, but I do work with the very eager Monemnea (another of my guides) as she calls herself, as well as one of my ancestors who likes to pop in about family matters. I forget how to spell his name as it is an Aleutian name, but he is the sweetest, and adores my children.

We can't forget about our Higher Self! This is the you that has already completed your spiritual journey and is at their highest vibration. They are there in the way that angels and guides are however appear more often in the form of our conscience and gut instincts. Most if not all higher beings are multidimensional and exist in multiple spaces and times. However, I won't get into all the quantum physics of it with you all.

Now of course I couldn't leave out the highest tier, which in truth is all the tiers. It is what all cultures call God. I don't like to label it that way because it feels more religious when you do, however the explanation of what God is will probably differ from what a lot of people thing it is. Now, for my sake...I will call it the Universe, but you can call it God if that's what is more familiar to you, or "the all" or "the all being", "source" or anything else that makes you comfortable.

The Universe, is everything, everywhere. The energy source of all of existence. I am, you are, and everything you see, feel, hear, smell, etc is the Universe. Spiritualists such as myself like to pay appreciation to the source of our existence by meditating and just being. By realizing the complexity and wonder of the energies around us and the creations that continue to surprise and inspire us. To be grateful and appreciative of what is.

I truly hope that some of this information was helpful and even inspiring to you. If you have questions, let me know! I could talk for hours about all of this!

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Love and Light to you all!!!

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